Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure Is Practice Yoga To Eliminate The Disease

Divya Kit
3 min readFeb 21, 2020


Be safe and do not let your acute kidney problems turn into chronic kidney diseases because the chronic ones are life-threatening as the last stage is kidney failure. Treatment for kidney diseases is available in the allopathic as well Ayurvedic world. However in rush to save our lives we run to allopathic treatments ignoring the fact that they have negative effects on our body and thus end up damaging the other body parts as well. We also ignore the fact that allopathy does not help in curing the disease of the root rather the damage can re-occur any time. Whereas, in Ayurveda, the disease is healed from the root and it does not even have any side effects on the human body.

Ayurveda, the ancient Science which dates back to 5000 years suggests adapting to a healthy routine which includes a healthy diet and physical workouts like practicing Yoga and meditation. Let us see in detail which Yoga Asanas are helpful for the good health of our kidneys.

1. NAUKASANA (The boat pose)

As the name suggests you need to be in the position just like that of a boat. How do you perform this pose?

Lie down on the floor, with arms beside your body and feet joined together. Now, take a deep breath and then while exhaling out lift up your chest and feet from the ground and stretch your arms towards your feet. What are the benefits this asana offers you?

It helps in toning your arms and leg muscles, it helps in curing your problem of hernia, also strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back.

2. SETU BANDHASANA (Bridge pose)

The bridge pose helps you in the following ways:

  • Helps in improving your digestion system
  • Removes tiredness and relieves stress
  • Helps in reduction of thyroid problems
  • Controls high blood pressure
  • It also helps in problems like Osteoporosis, Sinusitis, Asthma, menopause and menstrual pains like cramps, etc.

For practicing this pose, you first need to lie down on your back. Your feet shall be hip-distance apart and your knees shall be folded. Face your palms down and keep your arms beside your body. Now, while inhaling slowly lift your lower back than the middle part and then the upper part and then pause in that position placing your chin by touching it on the chest.

3. PASCHIMOTTANASANA (Seated forward bend)

Keep your legs stretched out in front of you and keep your spine erect. Now, raise both your arms right above your head and stretch them up. Breathe out and bend from your hip joints in the forward direction right onto your toes. Do not force your hands while stretching and rest them at the leg part till where they can stretch. Now pause in this position and repeat it again and again.

This asana helps in stretching the hips and the lower back helps in toning the shoulders, tones the abdominal part, and also stretches the hamstrings. Treatment for kidney diseases in Ayurveda suggests practicing certain asanas that help in toning your abdominal area and thus help in curing kidney diseases.


A very important point to be kept in mind is that if you are pregnant then you shall avoid this asana. Not only pregnant, if you have fractured wrists or ribs or have undergone some surgery in the area of your abdomen; this asana shall completely be avoided.

This asana helps in stimulating the organs of the abdomen and improves your blood circulation. Even, it helps in improving the posture of humans and helps in strengthening the spine.

How to perform this asana?

Lie down on your stomach and rest your forehead on the ground and your toes flat onto the floor. Touch your arms downwards and rest your palms on the floor and also stretch your hands in the front. Now, take a deep breath and lift your head and then your chest slowly off the ground and take that position with the help of your arms for a few seconds. Repeat this asana.

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is a natural way of curing and preventing your kidneys and also suggests practicing Yoga.
Thus, adapt to a healthy and fitter routine as soon as possible

See More : Best Kidney Failure Ayurvedic Treatment Is Easily Available To Cure Your Kidney



Divya Kit
Divya Kit

Written by Divya Kit

Divya kit can keep the body nurtured and healthy. The immunity becomes strong, digestion and appetite improves and liver functioning becomes much better.

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